21 st May 2040, Delhi (the Capital of India) The Prime Minister along with Dr.Abhiram, Dr.Aditya and Dr.Chandrashekaran hoist a press conference along with the Chief National Advisor. The Prime Minister congratulates the team of Scientists who successfully heralded the operation Surya Shakti Project. The Prime Minister declares to the nation that this could only be considered next to the discovery of wheel and fire and which would revolutionize the world in general and India in particular. "People of India" I am proud to state that today with the accomplishment of this Project India has become self reliant in the generation of power and this could begin the era of our victory. The Paradigm has thoughtfully shifted, yes the sun rises in the East, because Satyamev jayate. Our scientists have discovered the secret of Sun's enormous energy. The Sun himself is evident, we have always worshipped him as a source of inspiration, enlightenment and wisdom. He is the one w...